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                             2 Preface

 Welcome to FrontDoor, the complete e-mail package from Advanced
 Engineering sarl. It is probably safe to say that an e-mail package,
 such as FrontDoor, is one of the most complex types of applications
 around. This manual is very straight forward and may seem hard to
 understand at first glance. If you get lost, or cannot understand
 something, go back and read the section you are having problems with,

 FrontDoor has been tested on more than four thousand systems for over
 five years. It will run under MS or PC DOS versions 3.1 and above;
 including 4.x, 5.x, OS/2 1.3, and OS/2 2.0 DOS Mode. It runs under
 most LAN software; including Novell and LANtastic. It also runs under
 PC-MOS/386, VM/386 and in other multi-tasking environments such as

 For complete technical and FidoNet-related specifications, see
 "Technical specifications". Although FrontDoor will run on most
 machines, there are a few restrictions and requirements.

     2.1 Hardware requirements

         o   An IBM PC, AT, i386, i486, PS/2 or 100% BIOS compatible.
         o   A hard disk with at least 1 MB available diskspace.
         o   An asynchronous modem capable of sending alphanumeric
             messages such as CONNECT 2400.
         o   A DTE interface (computer <> modem) that supports CTS/RTS
             handshaking (most cables/internal modems do).
         o   A monochrome or color monitor.
         o   384 KB of system memory.

     2.2 Software requirements

         o   MS or PC DOS 3.10 or above.
         o   A FOSSIL driver such as X00 or BNU.

     2.3 Additional equipment

     FrontDoor can take advantage of, but does not require, the

         o   EMS/XMS memory for overlays and memory image swapping.
         o   EGA/VGA extended screen modes such as 80x43/50 and
         o   AT-style (extended) keyboard.

     2.4 BBS software

     FrontDoor can be used as a front-end to many popular bulletin
     boards including TUBBS, PC Board, RemoteAccess, Maximus-CBCS,
     TCL, TPBoard, QuickBBS, SuperBBS, Phoenix RCS, Fido, Opus-CBCS,
     and WildCat!.


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